The MAYE (Meditation, Agriculture, Yoga, Education) Center was founded in May 2014 and primarily serves survivors and families of the 1975-1979 Khmer Rouge Cambodian genocide. Long Beach is home to the largest Cambodian population outside of Cambodia, with over 16,300 Cambodian residents focused in the Cambodia Town neighborhood of Central Long Beach (90804). Using an integrated and culturally-sensitive practice of physical, spiritual and community development, MAYE develops engaged residents who have the power to make real change in their community, rooted in their own journey of healing and transformation.
The founder of the MAYE Center, Laura Som, was six years old when the Khmer Rouge kidnapped her from her village. She was taken in by a couple who taught her meditation and holistic healing to cope with the ongoing violence. Laura came to the US when she was ten, graduated from college,and opened MAYE to help others who had few resources and lacked the skills, education, and cultural acumen to combat their trauma and fully integrate into American life.
Provecho Consulting has worked with the MAYE Center to diversify their funding base by developing new relationships with foundations and bring in much needed additional funding to grow their staff and capacity. Learn more about their work at The MAYE Center.